Sunday, August 10, 2008

Happy Birthday DAD

It's my Dad's birthday today. He's is such a great man. I love him so much. If there were ever a man that I want to be like, it's my dad. He has such a gentleness, humility, and geniuneness to him that people just love. I love you dad. Happy Birthday.

Also, most of you know by now that I'm dating someone. She is a great girl and we've hit it off from the start. Hopefully I don't screw this one up:)


Shalyse said...

Happy Birthday Billy Boy!!! You are right, he is pretty much PERFECT! :-) I love that man too!!

and Janice...I love her and I don't even know her yet! :-) Can't wait to meet her in 2 weeks!!!

and p.s. please update your blog EVERYDAY so all of your family away from you can be up to speed on your dating life. I want to know EVERY move you two are making!!!

love you nelly!!!

Shalyse said...

and brian says.


Neil said...



Mama Mia said...

Janice looks so cute! We will be fasting and praying for you that you will not mess this one up!:)

Anonymous said...

Go Neil!!!!


Jade and Todd said...

We need some better pictures of this girl!!! I can hardly see these ones!! She looks way cute!! Congrats!!!

Marcee said...

Hi Neil... I just ran across your blog on Shalyse's. Tell your awesome, amazing, fantastic, great, handsome, genuine dad that I said Happy Birthday - better late than never!!