Sunday, October 28, 2007

Question: Who am I?

Is this Better Kristen?

Kristen has asked that I carve a pumpkin of her. This is the best I could do. :) (Just kidding Kristen. You know I think you're Georgiaous)

Dwight from "The Office"


Brian said...

Neil is that you?? I thought you were going to carve someone else?

Mama Mia said...

"Oh D!"

Candace said...

It does kind of look like you. Once, when I was watching the office, I kept saying to myself "How did Neil get on TV?" Then I realized that it wasn't you, just your long lost twin.

C and B said...

Well done on the pumpkin bro. I'll check you later.

Kris "to the" Ten said...

What the crap is this Nelly?

Brian said...

Good Job, it looks just like her.

Kris "to the" Ten said...

I will forgive you for this only because I believe "what goes around comes around." If that doesn't work, I'm relying heavily on karma.